Monday, October 10, 2011

Hollywood Muscle

View from Lobuche high camp.  Photo Courtesy of John von Seeburg

It's hard to imagine that it's been a year now since a group of Everest climbers, wounded soldiers, and filmmakers landed at the foot of the Himalaya and set off through the Khumbu for Lobuche.  A trek and a climb that I personally still think about on a daily basis.  I'm sure the same is true for all the members of the Soldiers to the Summit Expedition.

Since returning last fall, director Michael Brown, editor Scott McElroy and a host of others have been hard at work on the documentary film High GroundJoining the film team is the Oscar nominated producer Don Hahn, who wields some serious Hollywood muscle.  He is the producer of blockbusters The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast.  More recently he is the Executive Producer of Disneynatures Earth, Oceans, and African Cats.  As if that's not enough, his films have been nominated for 18 Academy Awards.  Yes, 18.

As Michael told me in an email: "This is the most important project I've ever been involved with".  Strong words from a guy who has been a part of some significant film making.

Read the latest on Don Hahn and Michael here.

By John von Seeburg. 

1 comment:

  1. Muscle Growth is a very essential part of muscle development. As the body grows so does the muscle. Muscles are the storehouse of energy. They store glycogen or glucose from the food (especially carbohydrates) consumed. Later, the muscle converts glucose and supplies energy as and when the body requires. In a normal human being, Muscle Growth is dependent on the human growth hormones, nutritious food and the type of physical activities involved.

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